
From SAXSutilities wiki


SAXSutilities is a software package which has been developed since more than 15 years for on-line processing and analysis of Small-Angle X-ray Scattering data.
In 2019/2020 it was rewritten using Python3 and is available as SAXSutilities2 (download).

The following sections give an overview of the available features and HOWTOs for common tasks.

  • plot1D: Plotting of one-dimensional data in ASCII or HDF5 format.

  • tools1D: Data reduction of one-dimensional files in ASCII or HDF5 format (averaging, background subtraction, etc.). Routines for data conversion are available.

  • plot2D: Plotting of two-dimensional images in HDF5 or EDF format. Procedures for creating software masks, finding of beam center, WAXS distance calibration, etc. can be accessed.

  • tools2D: Data reduction of two-dimensional images in HDF5 or EDF format. Routines for data conversion are available

  • toolsXPCS: Data reduction of XPCS data

  • HDF5 data format and EDF data format description

  • data fitting manual: Data fitting has not been implemented in the SAXSutilities2 package. However, the SAXSutilities package in Matlab with support for handling 1D ASCII files and all previous fitting capabilities is maintained.